Sunday, February 15, 2009

a little peruvian beach action in maine

seth did it again. he made an amazing creation utilizing sweet maine shrimp. this time it came in the form of cebiche (also known as ceviche). seth and i fell in love with cebiche while traveling along the pacific coast of peru and one bite of his maine shirmp cebiche brought my right back to an open air restaurant in huanchaco. a good cibeche can't be simpler with lime juice, cilantro, red onions, and salt as your only seasonings. this dish warmed me up on a cold february night in portland, maine.


Kate. said...

i like your photo, a welcome addition

where is jenner's mind said...

thanks kate. i'm trying to add more photos but i'm kind of lazy about uploading photos. so i take them of my food then never add them.

Ronnie said...

Love the blog Jenner/Sethypoo! I need to start cooking more! Peace and love from Cali.